Plastics Periodic Table

Hated High School Chemistry, but want to better understand polymer properties? In this publication we will generalize the Entec Plastics Periodic table and later dive deep into the heart of polymer chemistry to help our customers better understand the growing world of plastics.

Currently, there are 118 known elements; 92 of them occur naturally on the Earth’s surface. Within the material science world, polymer chemistry focuses on the set of reactions and dynamics that govern these man-made products. Below, we transition from the classical periodic table and introduce the Entec Polymers Periodic table! Here, we distinguish between amorphous and semi-crystalline materials and offer a guide that groups materials by type: commodity, engineering, elastomers, and specialty polymers. Each class offers a unique and market and application specific advantage. Our technical department can help you navigate the material selection process to ensure you have the right material for your application.

Just as atoms bond together to form molecules, monomers react to form polymers. There is no single definition that declares at what molecular weight a material transitions from being an oligomer to a polymer. There are several overlapping concepts that are shared between atomic and polymer chemistry; however, the concept of molecular weight and polymer backbone structure create significant opportunities for a variety of solutions for various applications. This creates a versatile set of materials whose physical and mechanical properties are a strong function of temperature and composition.

Atomic Chemistry

Polymer Chemistry Analogue

Atomic Weight

Number Average / Weight Average Molecular Weight

Atomic Group

Polymer Type Reactivity

Atomic Packing factor

Polymer Morphology

Boiling / Melting temperature

Glass transition / Melting temperature

Absolute Viscosity (Temperature)

Relative Viscosity (MW, MWD, Temperature, LCB, etc.)

Primary Intermolecular Forces (ionic, metallic, dipole-dipole)

Primary Intermolecular Forces (London Dispersion, Hydrogen Bonding, dipole-dipole)

Nature Creates circular recovery

21st century solutions to close the plastics loop!

In future publications and forthcoming in the Entec Polymers Handbook, we will explore various material properties unique to each class of polymer (structure vs properties, effects of molecular weight, morphology, thermal events, viscosity, etc.).

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